Take part in this 2022 Ransomware Survey & Win a 4K Samsung Monitor!
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Take part in this 2022 Ransomware Survey & Win a 4K Samsung Monitor!


Cybersecurity is a hot topic for any organization worldwide, as ransomware attacks continue to target companies that barely possess any protection against cyber threats. Last year, Hornetsecurity found out that 1 in 5 companies had been the victim of a ransomware attack, and many of those either lost data or had to pay the ransom to keep their operation running.


In such an event, some organizations may take longer to recover fully. That is why security leaders are constantly looking to upgrade their programs to safeguard their data and provide efficient cybersecurity practices for employees.


Ransomware techniques are constantly evolving. Cybercriminals are working hard to find new ways to attack businesses, and Hornetsecurity are committed to staying ahead of the curve.


Be part of the solution. Hornetsecurity have created the ultimate 5-minute Ransomware Attacks Survey for MSPs and IT admins, so you can contribute towards the collection of practical, real-world insights that will help us continue to build our knowledge and combat the threat.


But that’s not all – by completing the Ransomware Attacks Survey, you will be enrolled and have a chance to win a 32″ 4K Samsung Monitor worth $349! Are you ready to get rewarded?

Take the survey now!

15 yılı aşkın bir süredir Bilgi Teknolojileri sektörünün içerisindeyim. Bilişim sektörü ile alakalı farklı eğitimler sertifikalar edinerek bu sektör içerisin de son 12 yıldır profesyonel olarak çalışmaktayım. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Makine bölümü ve Eskişehir Üniversitesi işletme bölümü mezunuyum. Bilişim sektöründe kurumsal firmalarda, pek çok farklı pozisyonlarda görev aldım.

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